Need a sculpture, something really special? Start with a 1 metre sphere with RGB LED mood lighting internally. Sure to look fabulous in polished steel blown metal day or night.
Feel a bit daring and want to go bigger? I knew you would. We can take that to 1.65 metres or even 2 metres if you're that daring.
How about going SUPERSIZE?
Yes, let's bring out the big guns, this beauty goes to 3.5 metres & will dominate any project art installation location, night & day, as Cole Porter would say.
Once again all thanks to the genius of blown metal artist Stephen Newby and this limited series of 1/10 is now available for your current or client project needs from
Five Star Portugal - ORBSEO
#sphere #blown #stainless #steel #sculpture #RGB #LED #mood #light #luxury #lifestyle #living #modern #designer #pieces #art #gallery #studio #five #star #Portugal #orbseo #stephen #newby